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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Faculty of Pharmacy

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Amiens' Faculty of Pharmacy is located on the Health Complex in the Saint Charles centre in Amiens town. It has around 700 students altogether. All the traditional channels of study in Pharmacy are taught here. Dispensing, housemanship , industry and research. Around 70 students receive their diplomas every year and the Faculty's numerus clausus was 73 in 2004. The premises has ampitheatres equipped with audiovisual materiel, tutorial rooms and practical workrooms for subjects such as chemistry, physics; botany, pharmacognosy, pharmacology and pharmacotechny. Students have use of computer workshops and a mock pharmacy with a stocked dispensary, material and equipment which enables students to practice dispensing. And to complete the resources available at the Faculty of Pharmacy, there is a modern library of 4000 m2 available in the health complex. Various research laboratories lie within the faculty, and they are open to students who do research training courses as part of their studies. These laboratories allow several areas of scientific activity such as biology, pharmacologie and toxicology, chemistry, plant biotechnology and botany.


Pôle santé 1, Rue DES LOUVELS 80037 AMIENS CEDEX1 Tel. 03 22 82 77 55

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