Thomas Feiss, PhD Student, will participate to the second International Workshop of Pedoanthracology, in Kiel (Germany) from April 18th to 19th.

Every contribution will deal with the combination of geosciences and charcoal analysis: “Improving the link between charcoal analysis and geosciences – towards a geoanthracology?” “Improving the link between charcoal analysis and geosciences – towards a geoanthracology?”

The workshop will happen as a combination of scientific communications (oral and poster) and practical sessions, and includes an excursion to landscapes of northern Germany. It is the aim to publish the proceedings of the workshop in an international scientific journal.

Thomas will speak on the topic « Determining the minimal sampling effort for pedo-anthrocological studies: what does additive partitioning of spatially constrained accumulation curves teach us?« .

See program.