Fine-grained modeling of biological invasions – 2 years postdoctoral position in ecoinformatics


Key words
Biodiversity, biological invasion, conservation, ecoinformatics, hyperspectral imaging, invasive species, LiDAR, remote sensing, spatial analyses, species distribution modeling

Project aim
The postdoctoral position is part of a BiodivERsA project entitled “Detection of invasive plant species and assessment of their impact on ecosystem properties through remote sensing (DIARS)”. By combining two aircraft remote sensing technologies (hyperspectral imaging and light detection-and-ranging), DIARS aims at monitoring and predicting spread and risk assessment of invasive plant species at fine spatial resolution. Focusing on three different 25-km2 study sites in Southern France, Belgium and Western Germany, the postdoc will use LiDAR-derived data to assess current and future distributions of three invasive plants: one moss (Campilopus introflexus); one perennial herb (Oxalis pes-caprae); and one tree (Prunus serotina). The postdoc will also be involved in an ecoinformatics initiative designing a toolbox to facilitate the use of remote sensing data for assessing and characterizing the ecosystem impacts of invasive plants in a Free and Open Source environment. There will be ample opportunity for independent and collaborative research in related areas of ecoinformatics.

The candidate is expected to have:

– A Ph.D. in environmental sciences, computer sciences, statistics or mathematics;
– Cutting-edge expertise in modeling and advanced statistical analyses;
– Programming skills in Free and Open Source environments (R and GRASS);
– Basic knowledge and interest in ecology;
– Strong collaborative skills;
– Proven abilities to publish at a high International level;
– Good oral and written communication skills in English.

Experience in remote sensing, species distribution modeling, plant ecology or biological invasions would also be an advantage for the position.

Supervisors and collaborators
The main supervisors are Dr. Jonathan Lenoir and Dr. Duccio Rocchini who are Associate Professor in Biostatistics and Researcher in Geographical Modeling and Spatial Ecology, respectively. The postdoc will benefit from interactions with researchers in remote sensing (Dr. Ben Somers, Dr. Feilhauer Hannes, Prof. Sebastian Schmidtlein and Prof. Gregory Asner), conservation ecology (Prof. Olivier Honnay) and biological invasions (Prof. Guillaume Decocq).

Unit « Ecologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Anthropisés » (EDYSAN), Jules Vernes University of Picardie, Amiens, France.
Edysan is a young, diverse, vibrant and international research community with strong collaborative interdisciplinary ties within and beyond Amiens. More information about the people and research activities of the group can be found at:

The postdoctoral position should ideally start January 1st 2015. For further information, please contact: Dr. Jonathan Lenoir (

Duration and salary
2 years
36 000 €/year

Application deadline
Please send your CV, including a list of publication, together with a cover letter and the contact information of 3 references to Jonathan Lenoir (