Doctor in Ecology, Assistant professor
Speciality : Forest ecology
Team: GEP



Research interests, key words

Botany, forest dynamics, historical ecology, biological invasions.
Seed bank, dendrochronology, architectural approach.

Recent or current projects

Feudal mottes: Effects of human activities during the Middle age on soil, vegetation and seed bank.
Vinca minor: Clonal distribution of populations of Vinca minor (Common periwinkle) in Picardie.
L’allélopathie: Effects of allelopathic chemicals from Carpinus betulus on germination and growth od forest seedlings


Botany, mycology, vegetal biology.

Supervision or co-supervision of PhD thesis

2006-2010 Aurélien Jamoneau
2004-2011 Denis Beina
2009-2012 Emmanuelle Araujo-Calçada

Recent publications

DECOCQ G, BEINA D, JAMONEAU A, GOURLET-FLEURY S, CLOSSET-KOPP D. 2014. Don’t miss the forest for the trees! Evidence for vertical differences in the response of plant diversity to disturbance in a tropical rain forest. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 16: 279–287.
DE KORT H, VANDEPITTE K, BRUUN HH, CLOSSET-KOPP D, HONNAY O, MERGEAY J. 2014. Landscape genomics and a common garden trial reveal adaptive differentiation to temperature across Europe in the tree species Alnus glutinosa. Molecular ecology 23: 4709–4721.
SEMBOLI O, BEINA D, CLOSSET-KOPP D, GOURLET-FLEURY S., DECOCQ G. 2014. Does long term monitoring of tropical forest using permanent plots provide unbiased results? Applied Vegetation Science 17: 737-743.
ARAUJO-CALÇADA E, CLOSSET-KOPP D, HERMY M, DECOCQ G. 2013. Streams are efficient corridors for plant species in forest metacommunities. Journal of Applied Ecology. 50 (5): 1152-1160.
JAMONEAU A, CHABRERIE O, CLOSSET-KOPP D, DECOCQ G. 2012. Fragmentation alters beta-diversity patterns of habitat specialists within forest metacommunities. Ecography 35: 124-133.