How to submit a poster

Information required

1: Title 6: main author's postal address
2: Type of presentation (poster, oral communication or symposium) 7: main author's electronic address
3: Authors (s) (presenting author in block capitals) 8: Language (French or English)
4: Institution (University) 9: abstract (200 words maximum)
5: country 10: key words (5 maximum to put together related proposals)

 Send information by electronic mail or by regular mail (ASCII PC disk with main author's name with one printed copy)

Send your proposal(s) to:

Michel Sokolowski, EMEAB 4
Université de Picardie - Jules Verne
Faculté de Philosophie, Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Chemin du Thil
80025 Amiens cedex 1


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