Modification of the frequency of emission of specific linguistic behavior with the verbal conditioning method.
Roberto Truzoli, Massimo Hurle and Fabio Tosolin
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

How the frequency of emission of specific linguistic behaviors varies in junior school children was investigated by using a verbal conditioning paradigm. Rate of responses expressed was recorded as measurement. Each subject was induced to devise several kinds of phrases on the ground of explicit informations included in the experimental instructions. All subjects received as stimuli the pronoun "1" and two verbs, printed on a white card. The meaning value of the first verb expressed hostility, the one of the second no. Subjects were asked to say a phrase using either of two verbs. In a such experimental paradigrn, informative feedback followed the early instructions, because they work shaping the pattem of linguistic responses in well defined limits. The experimental design of this study was a 2 x 3 x 4 factorìal split-plot in time design with chronological ages, experimental groups and experimental phases as independent variables. The results were as follow: (1) age differences were statistically insignificant (2) hostile verbalisations were emitted more often than the others. (3) and they were less easily extinguished; (4) in the end, their frequency may be smoothly made up using only a few informative feedbacks.

Keywords: linguistic behavior, verbal conditioning, children

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