Psychology: a general definition
Josep Roca Balasch
INEFC- Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Kantor's Interbehavioral Psychology had the goal of defining psychology as a natural science, justifying both its singularity and its dependence in respect to other kinds of sciences. The poster presented here is a proposal of two sets of general and basic ideas with the same goal and which are presented through two tables and legends. The first table places psychology in the context of general science, pointing out the differences between differential, functional and applications of psychology. This is done in the context of the general classification of sciences that differentiates between morphological, functional and technological sciences. The second is a general definition of psychological events rooted in the theoretical field model, developing behavior in qualitative, quantitative and evolving aspects and also proposing a set of causal relations to be considered in the psychological explanation. This table and its legend offers a general idea of how to organize, eventually, psychological contents

Keywords: psychology, behavior, theoretical field model

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