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Université de Picardie Jules Verne

Doctoral School in Human and Social Sciences

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The Doctoral School in Human and Social Science of the University of Picardie Jules Verne was set up in 1992 and recognised by the Ministry of Education in a four-yearly contract. The School now ensures PhD studies under the Science of Man and Society section.

Under this contract it now associates 19 teams composed of more than 240 researchers and teacher-researchers and 380 PhD students.

The Doctoral School is strongly involved in the new LMD organisation in which the Masters courses (former DEA) fall under the responsibility of the Faculties. It can now give priority to PhD students and concentrate on their supervision, integration and improving the quality of theses.

The school has the tasks of : - Running and supervising PhD tuition : administrative and educational registration, validating studies, following up modules, oral examinations. It must supply scientific and technical training on a high-level study programme aimed specifically at PhD students. - Contributing to ongoing research, forward thinking for future research projects and for partnerships amongst teams, organising specific study sessions, seminars and debates with the research teams. - Improving thesis supervision conditions, assisting PhD students in their integration in the world of work and following up the doctors after the viva voce examination.


3ème étage - Bât. D Porte 309 Campus universitaire - Thil 80025 Amiens Cedex1 Tel : 03 22 82 79 98 Fax : 03 22 82 74 13

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