Frédéric ROULIER

Doctor in Geography, Associate profesor
Speciality: Geomatic
Team: GEP




Research topics

Spatial cognition and Geographic Information Systems: acquisition of cognitive data, cognitive mapping, GIS application development (MapWindow, Visual Basic), position mapping transformations.

Recent or current projects

smallFOREST project: my contribution to the project seeks to collect, analyze and compare the perceptions of ecosystem services provided by forest fragments in 16 European sites in two groups of individuals (owners / managers of wood and neo-rural inhabitants). Data are collected from sketches and transform with position mapping transformations (multiquadric interpolation method) using the software RCE (Représentations collectives de l’espace), developed at the research unit Edysan.


License: thematic and statistical mapping, CAD and automated cartography, GIS Level 1 and 2.
Master: Concepts and Data Modeling in GIS, introduction to digital map production data in GIS, spatial data treatments.
Continuing education: introduction to computers, introduction to office software, Internet.
University degree SIGA : training and project on GIS Quantum GIS, and training project on GIS ArcGIS

Administrative tasks

In charge of University degree SIGA (Geographic Information System applied).

Recent publications

2009, Frédéric Roulier, « Une méthode pour agréger les localisations cognitives : les moyennes sur listes chaînées de points », Cybergeo, Cartographie, Imagerie, SIG, article 476, mis en ligne le 24 novembre 2009, modifié le 26 novembre 2009.
2007, Chabrerie O., Roulier F., Hoeblich H., Sébert-Cuvillier E., Closset-Kopp D., Leblanc I., Jaminon J., Decocq G., “Defining patch mosaic functional types to predict invasion patterns in a forest landscape”, Ecological Applications, Vol.17(2), pp464-481.
2006, Roulier F., « Cognition spatiale et invasion biologique en forêt de Compiègne : analyses à l’aide d’un SIG », Mappemonde n°84, p1-12.