EDYSAN / Applied Plant Biotechnology Laboratory (APBL) Université Libanaise- Faculté des Sciences – Beyrouth, Liban

hamza.mohieddinne@etud.u-picardie.fr / hamzemohieddin@gmail.com

Titre de la thèse

Impact of historical and current soil compaction on soil systems and current vegetation

Thème de la thèse

Historical ecology

Mots clé

Plant physiology, Soil sciences, Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Biostatics and Biogeography

Résumé de la thèse

Soil compaction is a major cause of forest soil alteration, via reduced soil porosity and consequently it alters internal biological activities. The thesis aims at assessing the resilience of soil-vegetation systems to compaction. The study site are located in one of North France forests (forêt domaniale de Compiègne) exhibiting different management practices. In the forest of Compiègne, a LiDAR coverage as well as historical maps of paths are already available. These data will facilitate the selection of a chronosequence, with recent and ancient paths. Our objective will be achieved by the assessment of soil characteristics and performance. Therefore, this project is divided to three axis: i) geo-ecological (treatment of LiDAR image concerning soil compaction), ii) physico-chemical (soil CO2 flux, soil aeration, penetration resistance, bulk density, porosity) and iii) bio-physiological (earthworms and plants performance).

Publications récentes

Conference poster: Les approches géochimiques: des outils majeurs pour comprendre les phénomènes de transport de matière dans les géosystèmes du bassin versant de Nahr Ibrahim. Octobre 2015, Troisièmes Journées Franco-Libanaise (JFL3)