

Influences on commitment of companies in sustainable development: Empirical evidence from Tunisia  (p.85-106)  [Fichier PDF]
Jouhaina Gherib, ISCAE-University of Manouba, Tunisia
Keywords : Sustainable development, Corporate social responsibility, Developing countries, Tunisia
JEL classification : M14, M53, O17
Using an empirical large-scale survey, our research examines the influences on commitment of 135 Tunisian companies in sustainable development (SD). It confirms the explanatory power of the size, age and field of activity of the firms on their commitment in SD. The most important motivations for SD commitment are the search for differentiation and enhancement of the brand image in congruence with leadership values. The pressures of law and, to a lesser extent, of close stakeholders are also discriminating elements. Committed Tunisian firms are, thus, in search of visibility and legitimacy; adhere to the philosophy of SD if they are convinced of its usefulness for the company from a strategic point of view. The study confirms some previous results obtained in developed countries but enables to identify some Tunisian specificities that we recommend be taken into account in future public authorities’ actions to further involve Tunisian companies in CSR.