

Exchange Rates and Non-Linear Dynamics in Output: Evidence from Bulgaria (p.91-115)  [Fichier PDF]
Ilir Miteza, Department of Social Sciences, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Keywords : Exchange rates, devaluation, output growth, smooth transition regression, transition economies, Bulgaria, EU accession
JEL classification : F31
This paper assesses the effect of changes in real exchange rates on output growth by applying a smooth transition regression (STR) model in the case of Bulgaria – a European Union accession country. The nonlinear estimation technique employed here offers more flexibility in terms of allowing for possible asymmetric effects of real appreciations on growth, contingent upon the behavior of relevant economic variables. The nonlinear model reveals that real appreciations have helped growth in Bulgaria for most of the period 1994-2004. Real appreciations can turn contractionary only under excessive real money growth, which has occurred only sporadically.