Social interactions: conceptual considerations and preliminary data
Emilio Ribes-Inesta
University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Dyadic interactions represent the minimal social behaviour unit. To distinguish human social behavior from those interactions involving also two organisms some definitory dimensions of human social organization must be considered. These dimensions may be
conceived as different type of social contingencies regulating individual's behavior in relation to one another. Three functional dimensions grounding social contingencies are analysed: a) prescriptive-regulatory contingencies reflecting the political structure of society; b) production-exchange contingencies reflecting the economical structure of society; and c) sanction-justificatory contingencies reflecting the moral and juridical structure of society. A laboratory methodology has been designed to analyse the parameters involved in the three type of abovely mentioned contingencies. This methodology may be extended to the analysis of social interactions in natural environments. Some preliminary data involving the manipulation of production-exchange
contingencies are shown and discussed.

Keywords: dyads, social interaction, prescriptive contingencies, exchange contingencies, sanction-contingencies

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