Effects of reflexivity training and equivalence evaluation on the competition between arbitrary and no arbitrary relationships in the paradigm of equivalence-equivalence.
Cristóbal Bohórquez, Andrés García, María Teresa Gutiérrez, Jesús Gómez and Vicente Pérez
Universidad de Sevilla and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain

It was carried out an experiment in order to checking the influence of the equivalence evaluation and the training in reflexivity in the competition between different criteria of response following the logic of the equivalence-equivalence paradigm. The two criteria of response that were presented were, on one hand, to respond based on the equivalence-equivalence relationship among the stimuli, and on the other hand, to respond according to the physical similarity (to share an element) between the sample and one of the comparisons. When both available answer approaches being we hope competition is generated among the same ones, allowing this way to evaluate the preference of the fellows on one hand and on the other hand to verify if the election of one of them implies to ignore to the other one or not. University fellows were used, which were assigned to four groups in function of if they were or not evaluated in equivalence and they received reflexividad training.

Keywords: equivalence-equivalence, likeness, competition, classes of equivalence, conditional discriminations, adults

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