Formation of functional classes evaluated using conditiona discrimination in judgment of contingencies in humans
Santiago Benjumea and María Teresa Gutiérrez
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Stimuli that signal the same consequence are considered equivalent and sustitutive because they serve the same function, when this happens it is said that a functional class has been formed (Goldiamond, 1962). The goal of this experiment is to demonstrate the formation of classes in terms of contingencies. In short, it is to test if stimuli that maintain the same degree of contingency with the consequence, also become members of a functional class. A pavlovian training was implemented, where different stimuli were associated with a result or consequence according to different contingencies, becoming excitatory, neutral or inhibitory stimuli(Rescorla, 1967).Conditional discriminations were then used in order to prove if participant had formed classes of stimuli as a function of the degree of contingency. This procedure is characteristic of the training and testing in the formation of equivalence classes (Sidman and Tailby, 1982). Finally, participants were evaluated using a scale,for the measurement of judgment of contingencies.Test results will show the fomed causal attributions leads to the formation of functional classes. The data from both measures are compared.

Keywords: functional classes, contingency, conditional discrimination, equivalence, adults

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